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Festival Mission

Through engaging cultural experiences, interactive activities, timely resources and inclusive programming, we aim to bring an upscale experience, foster connections, inspire collaboration, raise awareness on the importance of environmental stewardship and promote a sense of pride among residents and visitors alike.”




Contributions will be made through our Fiscal Sponsor,

The Prince George’s County Arts and Humanities Council. All contributions are tax deductible.

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What is Stormwater Management and Why Should I Care?


Stormwater management involves the planning, control, and regulation of runoff generated by rainfall and snowmelt in urban areas. It is essential in an urban community to prevent flooding, minimize erosion, and reduce the pollution of local waterways. Effective stormwater management ensures that excess water is properly directed and filtered, protecting infrastructure and natural habitats. By managing stormwater, urban communities can mitigate the impact of heavy rains, safeguard public health, and promote environmental sustainability, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for residents.


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